About Open Government

Open government means the government is transparent with information and accountable for decisions. It also means people are involved in making decisions. To do this, the government works with people, communities, businesses, and civil society. 

Open government is based on the principles of transparency, accountability and public participation. 

Transparency: The government makes available relevant information on policies, programs, services and decisions in a complete, accurate and timely manner – while protecting privacy, security and confidentiality – so the public can access, understand and monitor the activities and decisions of government. In short, the public has access to information they want and need.

Accountability: The public can exercise its right to hold the government to account for its activities, performance and decisions through timely access to information. In other words, the public should be able to see and question how their government is being managed.

Participation: The public can influence the activities and decisions of the government through meaningful and targeted consultation and engagement. That is, the public should find it easy to be involved and participate in government decisions and initiatives.

The Government of Canada is committed to being open. 

National Action Plan on Open Government

The Government of Canada has been a member of the international Open Government Partnership (OGP) since 2012. The OGP brings together national and sub-national governments from around the world who are committed to advancing transparent, participatory, inclusive and accountable governance.

To remain a member of the OGP, the Government of Canada must work with civil society and the public to develop and carry out a National Action Plan on Open Government every two to four years.

Participate and Contribute to the 6th National Action Plan on Open Government

We are currently consulting with the public to create the next National Action Plan on Open Government.

Your input is vital to ensure the plan reflects the needs and aspirations of all Canadians.

Projects for Engagement

Help Develop Canada’s 6th National Action Plan on Open Government


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