Conception de programmes et de services gouvernementaux inclusifs 

Concevoir des programmes et des services gouvernementaux inclusifs signifie créer des politiques et des services qui répondent aux besoins de tous les Canadiens. Cette approche garantit l’égalité d’accès aux ressources, aux perspectives et au soutien, indépendamment de facteurs tels que la race, le sexe, le handicap et le niveau de revenu. En intégrant les commentaires des communautés concernées, ces programmes sont conçus pour être faciles à utiliser, équitables et réactifs, favorisant un sentiment d’appartenance et de participation pour tous, et garantissant que les programmes et services servent effectivement les communautés qu’ils sont censés soutenir.  

Activités liées à ce thème :  

Des services accessibles aux communautés rurales et isolées 

Des services faciles à comprendre 

Un service en ligne accessible et facile à utiliser 

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To enhance services in the rural areas, there should be opportunities where we can volunteer

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Establish the policy to help people across the country to address their legal problems.

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The effectiveness of the National Action Plan would depend on the Government's ability to cope with a range of infrastructural changes which would have a significant implication on its structures, processes and people. The focus area must remain on protecting Canadian families from economic and operational disruptions that would not be possible under the infrastructure that was developed during the pre-COVID-19 period. The revision of current systems and processes and the establishment of simplified recovery initiatives are necessary to support Canadian families affected by economic interruptions while giving them a chance to return to normal as well as to be eligible for recent Government proposals, to regain control of their life and be able to support the children in their growing personal and professional development.

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